Sunday 16 October 2011

Things I love. Simple.

Photography and styling.

During earlier in the year I travelled to Newcastle to help my friend, Carla Jane Bell, with her final collection of clothes for her Fashion Marketing corse that she was studying on. 
Her collection of clothes were surprisingly similar to the way that I work which is something that we never realised until this time.
Carla created the most beautiful collection of clothes which were all very textiles based, all very hands on. I feel privileged that I was able to be a part of this and get a insight of what was in store for me in my final year at uni.

I am one for space and clean lines. Clutter and 'stuff' freaks me out.
This vintage style and exposed brick work is how I would some day like my place to look. 
Sparse and clean.

Venice has always been a dream for me, and still will be until the day that I finally get to go.
There is something so romantic about the amount of water and the tradition that I imagine this place is steeped in.
One Day, One day......

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